Richard Secord
Out of School Care

Richard Secord School Location
We offer care for grades 1-6 at the Richard Secord School location. We have students from Richard Secord, Westbrook, and St. Boniface attending this program. At this location, we have a roll away program using the gymnasium. On one side of the gym we have the Panda room for grades 1-3 and on the other side we have the Monkey room for grades 4-6. Each side has a supervisor who is responsible for the programming which is inspired by the children. There is opportunity for quiet activities, planned and spontaneous activities, as well as physical/active games.
Panda Room
Room Capacity: max. 30
Mixed Age Group: Grade 1-2
Schools: Richard Secord School, Westbrook School, St. Boniface
Care Type: Out of School Care

Monkey Room
Room Capacity: max. 30
Mixed Age Group: Grade 3-6
Schools: Richard Secord School, Westbrook School, St. Boniface
Care Type: Out of School Care