Richard Secord
Out of School Care

Meet The Current
Parent Volunteer Board
Chair: Quentin W.
Vice Chair: Brandi B.
Treasurer: Melinda D.
Secretary: Yulduz K.
Directors at Large: Kristy W.
Directors at Large: Sharon S.
Directors at Large: Neilin M.
Directors at Large: Raheel V.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of parent volunteers from our child care program who meet once a month to help give guidance and direction for the centre through policy development, financial planning and strategic planning.
All parents/guardians of children registered at the center automatically become members of RSOSC and have a right to vote at any board meeting. Parents/guardians are encouraged to join the board, attend the monthly board meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to take part in running RSOSC. The AGM is when the board of Directors governing RSOSC will be elected or re-elected for the next term year. The AGM is held every April to elect in a new board
The 4 executive positions must be filled for our Center to remain open and function normally. We also have up to 4 Director at Large positions that assist in these responsibilities.
The Board of Directors Positions & Description of Responsibilities
The Chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; preside at all meetings of the Society; collaborate with the Executive Director of the Society; act as a signatory on cheques when the Treasurer is not available; provide leadership for the Society and the Board of Directors; ensure agendas are prepared for all meetings
The Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence; chair the Nomination committee
The Secretary shall ensure that accurate minutes are kept of all meetings; have charge of all correspondence under the direction of the Chairperson and the Board of Directors; assist the Chair to prepare meeting agendas. In the absence of the Secretary, his/her duties shall be fulfilled by another Director, appointed by the Directors
The Treasurer shall provide guidance and advice to the Board of Directors on financial matters; act as signatory on cheques and legal documents for the Society; present financial reports to the Board of Directors at each board meeting; provide an audited statement of the financial position of the Society at the Annual General meeting and submit a copy to the Secretary for the records
Board of Directors Responsibilities
The Board of Directors shall, subject to the bylaws or directions given it by a majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, be responsible for the Affairs of the Society, including the Society’s mission and purpose, financial health, sufficient and appropriate human resources, community relations, fund raising, effective planning as well as legal and ethical integrity
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for hiring an Executive Director, who shall carry out the day-to-day of the Society. The Executive Director shall implement the policies and procedures of the Society; enable the Board of Directors to fulfill its governance function; manage the Centre’s operations on a daily basis and be consistent with the Society’s mission and stated business plan, including (but not limited to) receipt and deposit of all monies paid to the Society, maintenance of book keeping to account for funds, accuracy of minutes, hiring staff
The Board of Directors is empowered to appoint to committees as it deems necessary and manage or appoint a member to manage the affairs the Society in unforeseen circumstances
Except for the Executive Director, the Board of Directors will act without remuneration
For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the Society, may receive money in such a manner as is deemed necessary and proper.